December 10, 2007

Will this year be 'The End of my Pursuit' ?!? '08

I think '08, for me, is the year to finish things; a year of completion. It's the year of learning to wrap up loose ends and move on. It's a year to leave behind the old and start fresh.
"The time for setting aside goals and dreams and projects is over," I proclaim with great confidence and a regal air. Yeah, OK, that's yet to be seen. But I do feel a new determination to accomplish some goals that I've set myself and it's not a feeling I ever remember having in the past. Have I finally figured out what I want to do with my life? I have lately realized that many are stubborn in pursuit of the path they have chosen, few in pursuit of the goal and where do I belong among these consortium ?..Time will tell.
I fear by just the writing of this post that I will douse the fire that is smoldering inside. I fear that writing this disperses its heat and makes it less powerful and unanswerable to my query whether this year would be the end of my pursuit.
It boggles my mind. But Time will tell.
Have a wonderful '08 evry1!!