March 17, 2010

Go Green !!!

21 years of celebrating festive of lights and harvest, I stepped into this strange cult where color green had a cardinal significance driving few parts of the world to indulge in a profound way of inebriation, wearing green hats/clothes studded with shamrocks and I was one among them that night. Legal yet perplexed, a fervid moment and I had to make a quick choice. The choice that will question my social gore imbrued with regulations. Though my lackluster and pallor days required sustenance in a different country, I was still contemplating my years of instilled ethics over social drinking. 6 years have scurried through and here I am on the very same occasion St.Patty’s day, rejoicing the folklores of Irish and relishing what once was a distaste. Do I feel guilty? Yes. Do I regret the choice I made? No. Embracing different cultures is not an enduring sin after all. So here it is Cheers to my 6th year celebrating this event and Beannacht Lá Fhéile Pádraig to all.

March 15, 2010

Cube Debacle

This wasn’t my idea of a new home at workplace. I was hyped by the hopes that were given to me for the past 2 months. So here I am self pitying myself and arranging my new cube which looks like an abode to a stock exchange place. No more quiet mornings anymore which happened to be my preferred part of a day where I get myself to do few chores in peace. Not to mention a few of my annoyance list
1. Constant usage of speaker phones when needless.
2. Turns into an oven by the end of the day which makes me worry more when summer hits ,
3. Privacy has lost its meaning. I had to change my wallpaper twice (had a picture of D and me) as that turned into a distraction for passerby’s.
What can I say, its bad karma tagging along.
After all these aggravations I am just glad I still have a smile on my face at the end of the day. Kudos to Go Team! attitude and their spur of the moment humour.

March 1, 2010

1 week of summer at the dawn of spring

And then there was light!!! Oh no don’t get me wrong for a preacher writing bible in my blog. These were my golden words when I got out of my apartment. Portland being infamous for its wet weather, the anticipation of seeing sunlight and feeling its warmth has become dormant. I shouldn’t be complaining about it, as once I used to be a native of the white lands and have battled through gazillion snow storms for the past five years. Yet the incessant dreary weather has taken a toll over me.
A week of bliss with subtle chill and radiance all over. It was as though the city was soaked in sun. A perfect week for flip flops, long walks in the streets filled with cherry blossom trees like pink candy's and no sweatshirts yay! . I was all keyed up like meeting my long lost friend whose stay is unpredictable. Though at the back of my mind I dread that this is going to be momentary, I was content that I crossed out many in my preliminary list and will stash the remaining for this summer.