April 18, 2008

In a Week

Manic Mondays
Dulled in a drone

Sonic Critics
Feared to hear

Chronic Love
Failed to reach

Bruised heart
Hard to recuperate

Troubled minds
Soothed in pain

Frolic Fridays
Heartily accepted.

Day offs
Meander in glee.

Thinking retro
Feels cadenced

Both in
Music and Life.

April 10, 2008

Getting Even with !!

I made a list for you Gil for all the deeds i need to get even with

1. Embarrassing me by Not letting me know that I was walking around with a clean room hat around the building ( even though you were right next to me)

2. Waking me up for a 6.30 am meeting and cancelling it.

3. And the blonde jokes you taunt about me .

Await for the unexpected Gil!!!!!

April 9, 2008

In the Summer Time.. – Part 1 –

I was quite elated when I saw the vivid golden streaks cascading my patio this morning turning all flamboyant. I was initially reluctant as the luminosity sometimes deceits the eyes and the weather might still hold up to its negatives. But as I walked out to my car I had this legitimate sigh of relief that we are officially into spring and making our way towards summer. No more white mornings, cold winds and inches of snow that I need to shovel from my car. I got back from work and I witnessed the epitome of a perfect summer eve with high 70’s .. Skater boys challenging each other with their new tricks, the tea party girls had their discussions listed for the rest of summer, and dog walkers and joggers are out of hibernation phase. I immediately started penning down my travel plans and outdoor activities for this summer. My first on the list is my Texas trip to meet my folks after 3 years ….
to be continued ....

April 6, 2008

Finding Panacea

Sometimes I feel I am Anachronous to veracity
And other times a paradox to my own findings
Is it because of immolated facts I reconsider,??/ a filched memory that is relinquished?!
Or does this occur when I am left in a chasm of turmoil?!??!