February 4, 2008

Words of inspiration

Do you have words that inspire you? Words that demarcate what you want to be or do? Words that elevate you up and help you be the person you want to be?

I have a few...among them "Dream", "Love", "Belief"

Dream, because dreaming can lead to aspirations and realities that I otherwise wouldn't allow myself. For too long, I stopped dreaming of what I could do with my life.

Love, because I believe love hauls with us through the darkest of times and makes the best of times even better. Without Love the world would be even daunting than it can be now.

Belief, because I have to hark back myself to believe in what I can do. I don't easily believe in my own abilities occasionally, and it helps me remember that I am worth believing in.

Your turn. Post in words that that instigate you.


Unknown said...

Sleep.....This is where i live my dreams, or rather the life that i long for.

DP said...

Attitude..this is what we are..
Integrity..is what I value most..