January 7, 2010


Though I have 2 resolutions for this year in addendum, the blog is not about my resolutions. One question I asked myself, if resolution is the beginning for a change why always tagged to a new year’s day, why not Christmas or even July 4th?. That changed it all. I agree keeping up with a Resolution is a solid game, but certain aspects of it bring it down throughout this game. It’s about how this word is a jump starter when we lack the impetus to attain what we want or to control the overdone. The word that turns 30% into a new leaf every New Year, 30 % to fall back and end up never taking it again and 40 % adding it to their bucket list if left unfulfilled. I believe I fit just right into the 40 % with ten thousand on my count list. Except for this year, I trashed it all. I believe I will see to that my Focus is not pared and the purpose of it never dies even if day’s flies into years. Welcoming this year not making Resolution a fundamental deceit of time.

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