January 11, 2008

Work Desk filled With Paper Breeds

My desk is a mountain of filth filled with my craziness at work. I look at the pile beside me and wonder where it all came from .. It's technical magazines, authorization papers from departments, notebooks I write in, index cards I make notes on, things I've printed up...and did I mention the mail?I'm still trying to figure out how it all ends up on my desk though. The mail is supposed to go to my mail folder. The papers from departments are supposed to get filed promptly in the box or pitched. My notebooks have a home. My magazines have a home. And yet, they sit on my desk and apparently spend their days engaged in lurid moments of reproduction so that the paper pile is at least an inch higher every day!I suppose I need to sift through it and separate the randy sheets of paper. I'm tired of having to shove them out of the way when I'm looking for something. Time to shift some of the pile to my colleague’s desk as I am moving closer to his office.. so that he can watch them multiply! (Oh, I'm gonna catch it for that comment when he sees it. lol. Sorry for that Gil and happy sorting !!)

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